Open this publication in new window or tab >>2024 (English)In: Revealing Meals / [ed] Lotte Wellton; Lars Eriksson; Åsa Öström; Ute Walter; Jonatan Leer, Örebro: Örebro universitet , 2024, p. 9-29Chapter in book (Refereed)
Abstract [en]
The issue of human eating crosses many conceptual boundaries, from humanities and social science to natural science, and for that reason it must be interpreted from a wide range of disciplinary perspectives. In this introductory chapter, we present the area of meal research and, more particularly, the development of the academic subject of Culinary Arts and Meal Science, at Örebro University in the School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Meal Science situated in the village of Grythyttan in the Swedish countryside, 70 kilometres from Örebro. The anthology presents original, multifaceted, and revealing perspectives from the institutions’ researchers on how to study culinary arts and meals. The contributions showcase a variety of angles on meal research, from sensory sciences and economics to sommellerie, aesthetics, food history, gender, culture, pedagogics, food innovation, and service and hospitality. The chapters make use of a variety of methods and theories. This variety is needed to unravel the complex phenomenon and understand all the elements of which a meal is composed. We choose to use the word “revealing” in our title, Revealing Meals, to insist on meals as revealing experiences and to highlight the ambition of our research to explore and reveal the “what” and the “how” of different meals. The goal of the anthology Revealing Meals is to present how we study meals at Campus Grythyttan and to inspire others who are interested in meals to take part in this never-ending exploration of how, why, and what 10 Revealing Meals we eat. The anthology brings together the past, present, and future of meal research by explaining the history of the field at our institution while positioning it in the Nordic landscape of meal research; by presenting what we do presently; and, finally, by pointing to new directions in culinary arts and meal sciences.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Örebro: Örebro universitet, 2024
Måltidskunskap, ISSN 1652-2656 ; 11
National Category
Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
Research subject
Culinary Arts and Meal Science
urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-117813 (URN)9789189875043 (ISBN)9789189875050 (ISBN)
2024-12-162024-12-162024-12-17Bibliographically approved