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Mahomed-Asmail, F., Graham, M. A., Swanepoel, D. W., Manchaiah, V., Yerraguntla, K. & Karlsson, E. (2025). Predictors of hearing loss disability: a multinational study using the ICF core set. International Journal of Audiology, 1-8
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2025 (English)In: International Journal of Audiology, ISSN 1499-2027, E-ISSN 1708-8186, p. 1-8Article in journal (Refereed) Epub ahead of print
Abstract [en]

PURPOSE: Objective audiological assessments provide valuable insights on physiological dimensions of hearing loss (HL), but not on lived experiences and functional limitations perceived by individuals. This study employed the multidimensional ICF framework to explore how demographic and diagnostic variables predict self-reported disability in adults with HL. METHOD: This cross-sectional study included 571 participants from India (94), South Africa (79), Sweden (219), and the USA (179). Responses from structured interviews based on the ICF were measured against demographic and diagnostic variables. RESULTS: 74.6% of the participants were hearing aid (HA) users with moderate-to-severe HL. Five statistically significant predictors were identified; HA usage, degree of HL, level of education, age, and income bracket. The predictors were associated with the ICF components; body functions (b126, b210, b230, b240), activity and participation (d310, d350) and environmental factors (e125, e250, e310, e355, e410, e460). CONCLUSIONS: This study emphasises that an individual's experience with HL is significantly influenced by various factors beyond the severity of the HL itself. This underscores the ICF's utility in capturing the complex interplay of biopsychosocial factors on HL. Identifying significant predictors could aid in tailoring interventions to improve health outcomes and quality of life for individuals with HL.

ICF, Self-experience, associated predictors, disability, hearing loss
urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-119207 (URN)10.1080/14992027.2025.2458029 (DOI)39927683 (PubMedID)
Available from: 2025-02-11 Created: 2025-02-11 Last updated: 2025-02-11
Karlsson, E., Manchaiah, V., Mäki-Torkko, E., Granberg, S., Gustafsson, J., Dahlström, Ö. & Widén, S. (2024). Hearing and Functioning in Everyday Life Questionnaire: Psychometric Evaluation and Revision. American Journal of Audiology, 33(2), 330-342
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2024 (English)In: American Journal of Audiology, ISSN 1059-0889, E-ISSN 1558-9137, Vol. 33, no 2, p. 330-342Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

PURPOSE: The aim of the current study was to explore the construct validity and internal consistency reliability of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)-based original English version of the Hearing and Functioning in Everyday Life Questionnaire (HFEQ) and to revise the HFEQ based on the results.

METHOD: This study used a cross-sectional survey design. The data were collected using an online survey. Adults with self-reported hearing disability (n = 513) from the United States were included. The ICF components of body functions, activity and participation, and environmental factors were tested as the underlying structure of the HFEQ using confirmatory factor analysis and then adjusted by triangulation with previous content validation.

RESULTS: The results of the current study confirmed the ICF components of body functions, activity and participation, and environmental factors as underlying constructs of the HFEQ. However, after triangulation with previous content validation, fine adjustments were made. The revised version of the HFEQ includes two removed items and a fine-tuned factor structure.

CONCLUSION: The results confirm that the structure of the HFEQ aligns with the ICF, and the overall results indicate that HFEQ has acceptable construct validity and internal consistency.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2024
National Category
Occupational Therapy
urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-112424 (URN)10.1044/2024_AJA-23-00171 (DOI)001288118700003 ()38497711 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-85195226923 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2024-03-20 Created: 2024-03-20 Last updated: 2024-08-29Bibliographically approved
Karlsson, E. & Mahomed-Asmail, F. (2024). Hearing Loss. In: Communication and Sensory Loss: Global Perspectives (pp. 146-166). Taylor & Francis
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2024 (English)In: Communication and Sensory Loss: Global Perspectives, Taylor & Francis, 2024, p. 146-166Chapter in book (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

The effects of hearing loss on adults’ everyday life can be pervasive and far-reaching. Adults with hearing loss may experience difficulties with interpersonal communication, psychosocial well-being, quality of life, and even economic independence. This chapter will focus on adults with acquired permanent hearing loss and will utilise the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) framework to assist professionals in considering the client holistically during clinical and rehabilitation encounters. Three fictitious cases are presented to illustrate the opportunities and challenges faced by three adults with acquired hearing loss living in varying circumstances. The information presented, along with these cases, provides practical guidance for professionals who are not experts in supporting these individuals and their families in accessing equitable services. The authors aim to inspire the adoption of the proposed tools and communication strategies to bridge the communication gap between professionals and clients in clinical and rehabilitation settings.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Taylor & Francis, 2024
National Category
urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-118587 (URN)2-s2.0-85201912662 (Scopus ID)9781003267065 (ISBN)
Available from: 2025-01-16 Created: 2025-01-16 Last updated: 2025-01-16Bibliographically approved
Larsson, J. & Karlsson, E. (2024). Swedish translation and content evaluation of the Empowerment Audiology Questionnaire (EmpAQ-15). Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes, 8(1), Article ID 143.
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2024 (English)In: Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes, E-ISSN 2509-8020, Vol. 8, no 1, article id 143Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

OBJECTIVE: Translating the newly developed Empowerment Audiology Questionnaire, EmpAQ-15 to Swedish, and performing content validation on the Swedish version.

DESIGN: Best-practice principles using forward and back translations which were revised by a committee prior to field testing. Field testing was conducted by cognitive interviews with hearing-aid users talking through and rating the items in the translated questionnaire. Content validation was assessed by examining equivalence, accessibility, acceptability, comprehensiveness, and relevance of interview data. Questionnaire introduction and scoring instructions were evaluated by Swedish audiologists.

STUDY SAMPLE: Ten adult native speaking Swedish hearing aid users, recruited with purposive sampling. Maximum variation based on age, gender, hearing aid usage, and degree of hearing loss. Seven Swedish audiologists assessing instructions for result calculations.

RESULTS: The conceptual equivalence between the Swedish translation and the English original questionnaire was judged to be high overall. The instructions and majority of items were experienced as accessible, acceptable, comprehensive, and relevant. The audiologists showed that they could follow scoring instructions and reason about the results.

CONCLUSIONS: This content validity study was the first step towards a Swedish version of a self- report measure of Empowerment for people with hearing loss.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Springer, 2024
Content validity, Empowerment, Hearing loss, Outcome measure, Qualitative research, Translation
National Category
urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-117865 (URN)10.1186/s41687-024-00819-4 (DOI)001379063000001 ()39688803 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-85212395693 (Scopus ID)
Örebro University
Available from: 2024-12-18 Created: 2024-12-18 Last updated: 2025-01-21Bibliographically approved
Karlsson, E., Mäki-Torkko, E., Granberg, S., Widén, S., Manchaiah, V., Swarnalatha Nagaraj, V., . . . Gustafsson, J. (2023). Hearing and Functioning in Everyday Life Questionnaire: Development and Validation of an ICF-Based Instrument. Ear and Hearing, 44(6), 1498-1506
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2023 (English)In: Ear and Hearing, ISSN 0196-0202, E-ISSN 1538-4667, Vol. 44, no 6, p. 1498-1506Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

OBJECTIVES: Self-assessment instruments are commonly used in audiological rehabilitation. However, several studies highlight the lack of multidimensionality in existing outcome measures, with the consequence that they only partially capture aspects of functioning in everyday life for people living with hearing loss. This study aimed to develop and investigate the content validity of a self-assessment instrument based on the validated Brief International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health Core Set for Hearing Loss.

DESIGN: The design was a two-part instrument development study. The first part focused on the item-generation process of the instrument, named the Hearing and Functioning in Everyday Life Questionnaire (HFEQ) during an experts' workshop. The second part focused on international content validation of the instrument using group interviews. Strategic sampling was used and 30 adults with hearing loss from India, South Africa, and the United States participated in the group interviews.

RESULTS: The expert's workshop resulted in the first version of the HFEQ containing 30 items. The results from group interviews show that the content of the HFEQ was considered to be valid concerning its relevance, comprehensiveness, and comprehensibility. A majority (73%) of the HFEQ items were perceived by the participants as relevant and easy to comprehend. For the remaining 27% of the items, the content was perceived to be relevant in all countries, but some terms and expressions were reported to require rewording or clearer examples. These modifications will be made in the next step of the development process.

CONCLUSION: Content validation of the HFEQ demonstrates promising results, with participants perceiving the content as relevant and comprehensible. Further psychometric validation is required to investigate other psychometric properties, such as construct validity and reliability. The HFEQ has the potential to become a valuable new instrument for assessing everyday functioning in people with hearing loss in audiological rehabilitation and in research.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2023
Audiological rehabilitation, Content validity, Cross-cultural validation, Cross-national, Hearing loss, International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health, Outcome measures, Survey instruments, Validation
National Category
Occupational Therapy
urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-106579 (URN)10.1097/AUD.0000000000001391 (DOI)001086366300018 ()37340534 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-85174642335 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2023-06-27 Created: 2023-06-27 Last updated: 2024-01-15Bibliographically approved
Ritoša, A., Åström, F., Björck, E., Borglund, L., Karlsson, E., McHugh, E. & Nylander, E. (2023). Measuring Children's Engagement in Early Childhood Education and Care Settings: A Scoping Literature Review. Educational psychology review, 35(4), Article ID 99.
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2023 (English)In: Educational psychology review, ISSN 1040-726X, E-ISSN 1573-336X, Vol. 35, no 4, article id 99Article, review/survey (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The purpose of this scoping review was to explore operationalizations and related conceptualizations of young children's engagement in early childhood education and care (ECEC) settings. The literature search was conducted in March 2021 across ERIC, PsycINFO, Scopus, and Web of Science databases, with the aim of identifying studies where child engagement or involvement in ECEC settings was quantitatively assessed. The search resulted in 5965 articles, of which 286 were included in this review. Data were extracted about engagement conceptualization, theoretical frameworks, study population, study design, and engagement measurement tools and methods. Findings show variations in definitions and measurement of child engagement. Almost two-thirds of the studies lacked an explicit definition of child engagement. Young children's engagement was typically defined as behaviors and interactions with the social and material environment, while involvement was depicted as an internal experience. The most common method of measuring children's engagement in ECEC was observations by an external observer, followed by teacher surveys. Seventy-seven unique established measures of child engagement were identified. About one-third of the identified studies relied on unestablished measures of child engagement. Measures of general child engagement in ECEC had a focus on behavioral aspects of engagement, whereas most measures with a focus on engagement in academic activities also included cognitive and emotional aspects. To advance the research of child engagement in ECEC settings, more attention should be put into clarifying the concept of child engagement in terms of its generalizability, specificity, and temporality. Corresponding operationalizations should be precisely described. Our recommendations also include validating existing measures of child engagement and developing self-reports for young children.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Springer, 2023
Engagement, Involvement, Measurement, Young children, Early childhood education and care
National Category
urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-108925 (URN)10.1007/s10648-023-09815-4 (DOI)001075150900001 ()2-s2.0-85173769802 (Scopus ID)
Jönköping University
Available from: 2023-10-13 Created: 2023-10-13 Last updated: 2023-12-08Bibliographically approved
Oosthuizen, I., Kumar, L. M., Nisha, K. V., Swanepoel, D. W., Granberg, S., Karlsson, E. & Manchaiah, V. (2023). Patient-Reported Outcome Measures for Hearing Aid Benefit and Satisfaction: Content Validity and Readability. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 66(10), 4117-4136
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2023 (English)In: Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, ISSN 1092-4388, E-ISSN 1558-9102, Vol. 66, no 10, p. 4117-4136Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

PURPOSE: Numerous patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) are available to measure hearing aid benefit and satisfaction. It is unclear to what extent currently available PROMs on hearing aid outcomes, often developed decades ago, meet current guidelines for good content validity and readability. This study evaluated the content validity and readability of PROMs that focus on perceived hearing aid benefit and/or satisfaction.

METHOD: A literature review was conducted to identify eligible instruments. Content validity evaluation included mapping extracted questionnaire items to the World Health Organization's International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) framework. In addition, study design in content validity methodology was evaluated using the COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments study design checklist for PROM instruments. Readability was estimated using the Simple Measure of Gobbledygook measure.

RESULTS: Thirteen questionnaires were identified and evaluated. Item content focused primarily on the components of environmental factors as well as activity limitations and participation restrictions with less emphasis on body functions and personal factors. The content validity methodology analysis revealed an underuse or lack of reporting of a qualitative methodology in assessing patient and professional perspectives. All the included questionnaires exceeded the recommended sixth-grade reading level.

CONCLUSIONS: The categories covered by hearing aid PROMs vary considerably, with no single instrument comprehensively covering all the key ICF components. Future development of hearing aid outcome measures should consider a mixed methodology approach for improved content validity and ensure an appropriate reading level.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2023
National Category
Public Health, Global Health, Social Medicine and Epidemiology
urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-108263 (URN)10.1044/2023_JSLHR-22-00535 (DOI)001146442500010 ()37708535 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-85176398381 (Scopus ID)

I. O. is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Pretoria, supported by a grant from Sonova AG.

Available from: 2023-09-15 Created: 2023-09-15 Last updated: 2024-03-20Bibliographically approved
Karlsson, E. & Skagerstrand, Å. (2023). Vilka frågeformulär används inom svensk hörselvård och är det evidensbaserade?. In: : . Paper presented at Svensk audiologisk konferens,Göteborg, Sverige, 21-22 november, 2023.
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2023 (Swedish)Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

Bakgrund: Inom området för audiologi och hörselrehabilitering finns det många olika frågeformulär framtagna och översiktsstudier har påvisat att många av dessa frågeformulär; inte används kliniskt, enbart använts i en enstaka studie och att många frågeformulär inte utvärderats gällande psykometriska aspekter såsom validitet och reliabilitet. I en kartläggning genomförd av Socialstyrelsen 2012 visade resultatet att det varierar mycket mellan Sveriges regioner gällande vilka frågeformulär som används. Inom vissa regioner används flera frågeformulär och inom andra används inte några frågeformulär alls, det varierar även mycket gällande vilka frågeformulär som används.     Internationellt har fokus på frågeformulär, översättningsprocesser och psykometrisk utvärdering fått allt mer fokus under senare år och flera studier har publicerats inom ämnet. Av denna anledning är det även av stor vikt att undersöka vilka frågeformulär som används inom svensk hörselvård idag, vilka evidens frågeformulären bygger på, vilken kvalitet översättningarna har och om de utvärderats psykometrisk. Studiens resultat kommer att vara till hjälp vid val av frågeformulär och att jobba evidensbaserat inom svensk hörselvård. 

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att kartlägga vilka frågeformulär som används inom hörselvården i Sverige och hur dessa frågeformulär är översatta och psykometriskt utvärderade.

Metod: Studien består av två delar, en webbenkät och en litteraturstudie. Webbenkäten riktar sig till privat och regional hörselvård i Sverige och omfattar bland annat frågor om vilka frågeformulär som används, i vilket syfte dessa används samt för vilken patientgrupp. Studiens andra del är en litteratursökning baserat på resultatet av webbenkäten. Syftet med litteratursökningen är att sammanställa vilka frågeformulär som finns översatta till svenska och hur de utvärderats psykometriskt.

Preliminära resultat: Datainsamling pågår under våren 2023, hittills har svar inkommit från både privat och regional hörselvård, från hela Sverige. Preliminära resultat visar på en variation gällande vilka frågeformulär som används inom olika regioner och verksamheter. Variation finns även gällande vilka patientgrupper och i vilket syfte frågeformulären används.     Resultatet kommer färdigställas under våren/sommaren 2023 och innehålla en översikt över vilka frågeformulär som används kliniskt i Sverige, hur de används, vilka evidens de har, och hur de utvärderats psykometrisk. Målet är att denna översikt ska kunna vara till hjälp för personal inom hörselvården i att kunna jobba evidensbaserat och välja och använda lämpliga frågeformulär som verktyg i sitt kliniska arbete. 



National Category
Occupational Therapy
urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-109876 (URN)
Svensk audiologisk konferens,Göteborg, Sverige, 21-22 november, 2023
Available from: 2023-11-24 Created: 2023-11-24 Last updated: 2023-11-24Bibliographically approved
Karlsson, E. (2022). Assessment of everyday functioning for adults with hearing loss: Development of Hearing and Functioning in Everyday life Questionnaire (HFEQ). (Doctoral dissertation). Örebro: Örebro University
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Assessment of everyday functioning for adults with hearing loss: Development of Hearing and Functioning in Everyday life Questionnaire (HFEQ)
2022 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Aim: The overall aim of the current thesis was to develop a self-assessmentinstrument with a focus on everyday functioning for adults with hearingloss and to investigate its psychometric properties.

Methods: Three different methods were applied in the current studies; a scoping review (Study I), two quantitative studies using two different datacollection processes (Study II and IV) and a qualitative study, including anitem-generation workshop and cognitive group interviews (Study III).

Results: The scoping review (Study I) showed that the validation process ofICF Core Sets has varied between studies, including studies that used bothqualitative and quantitative methodology. Most of the validation studieshave been conducted in Western, high-income countries and have only useda single population.

The validation of the Brief ICF Core Set for Hearing Loss (Study II) was conducted internationally, including four continents and both middle- and high-income countries. The results demonstrated satisfactory content validity and internal consistency. However, two ICF categories (b126 and d810) arerecommended to be specified if they are used in a future instrument. 

In study III HFEQ was developed by international experts in the field ofaudiology and/or ICF. The HFEQ was then validated in two studies withfocus on the content validity (Study III) and the construct validity (StudyIV). Altogether, the results showed satisfying levels of content and construct validity for the HFEQ, as well as internal consistency reliability, feasibility and comprehensibility. Minor adjustments such as rewording arerecommended in the future. The results of study II-IV strengthen the hypothesis that everyday functioning seems to be a relevant and valid phenomenon to measure within audiology. 

Conclusion: ICF Core sets have been validated using several methods. The Brief ICF Core Set for Hearing Loss has satisfactory validity for adults with hearing loss and is a relevant foundation for a new self-assessment instrument. The HFEQ is a valid self-assessment measure for assessing everyday functioning for adults with hearing loss.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Örebro: Örebro University, 2022. p. 79
Studies from The Swedish Institute for Disability Research, ISSN 1650-1128 ; 108
ICF, Hearing Loss, Hearing Rehabilitation, HFEQ, Instrument Development, Outcome measure, Validation
National Category
Other Health Sciences
urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-96551 (URN)9789175294353 (ISBN)
Public defence
2022-05-20, Örebro universitet, Forumhuset, Hörsal F, Fakultetsgatan 1, Örebro, 13:00 (English)
Available from: 2022-01-18 Created: 2022-01-18 Last updated: 2024-01-15Bibliographically approved
Manchaiah, V., Nisha, K., Prabhu, P., Granberg, S., Karlsson, E., Andersson, G. & Beukes, E. W. (2022). Examining the consequences of tinnitus using the multidimensional perspective. Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 142(1), 67-72
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2022 (English)In: Acta Oto-Laryngologica, ISSN 0001-6489, E-ISSN 1651-2251, Vol. 142, no 1, p. 67-72Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Background: Tinnitus is one of the most frequent chronic conditions in adults with wide range of consequences.

Aims/Objectives: The aim of the current study was to determine the problems and life effects reported by individuals with tinnitus using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) framework.

Material and Methods: The study used a cross-sectional survey design. A total of 344 individuals with tinnitus completed a series of questionnaires. The responses to open-ended questions were linked to ICF categories.

Results: Activity limitations and participation restrictions were most dominant consequence of tinnitus followed by effect on the body function with limited emphasis on the contextual factors. Frequently reported responses to body function involved emotional functions (b152), attention function (b140), and sleep functions (b134). Commonly reported responses to activity limitations and participation restrictions were recreation and leisure (d920), conversation (d350), communicating with—receiving—spoken messages (d310), listening (d115), and remunerative employment (d850). Sound intensity (e2500) and sound quality (e2501) were the frequently reported responses to environmental factors. Coping styles, past and present experiences, and lifestyle were the most frequently occurring personal factors.

Conclusions and significance: The study highlighted some key influencing factors of tinnitus in different ICF domains which can be helpful in rehabilitation planning.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Taylor & Francis, 2022
Tinnitus, ICF, biopsychosocial perspective, body function, activity limitations, participation restrictions, open-ended questions
National Category
Other Health Sciences Otorhinolaryngology
Research subject
Disability research
urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-96359 (URN)10.1080/00016489.2021.2019307 (DOI)000735787900001 ()34964683 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-85122080141 (Scopus ID)


National Institute on Deafness and Communication Disorders (NIDCD) of the National Institute of Health (NIH) 

Available from: 2022-01-11 Created: 2022-01-11 Last updated: 2023-10-17Bibliographically approved

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