In this paper we describe a method to integrate WirelessHART networks in Distributed Control Systems (DCS)using PROFINET IO. By modeling the WirelessHART network in the Generic Station Description file, that describes a PROFINET IO device, the WirelessHART related configuration can be distributed from the central engineering stations. In this way, both process controller configuration and WirelessHART network configuration is engineered and maintained from a central location. Thus the end-user do not need any additional tool-specific training, as the existing tools are used to engineer the WirelessHART networks. We base the method of integration on the keywords simple deployment and maintenance, and flexible topology. A proof-of-concept implementation of the proposed method shows that it is possible to download WirelessHART configuration both to the WirelessHART network managers, as well as the WirelessHART sensors. By integrating WirelessHART in this way, maintenance is greatly simplified as the actual configuration will be downloaded automatically by the DCS when faulty field devices are replaced.