Objectives: Pectus excavatum, or funnel chest, causes both physical and psychosocial issues, affecting health-related quality of life. However, the literature on how funnel chest affects daily living prior to corrective surgery is sparse. Therefore, the study aimed to describe the experiences of living with funnel chest prior to correctional surgery.
Materials and methods: The study had a qualitative exploratory design. Consecutive sampling was applied in which all individuals from a single cardiothoracic department scheduled for the minimally invasive repair of pectus excavatum were asked to participate. Nineteen participants, 17 men and two women, participated in the study. Individual telephone interviews were conducted from February 2020 until April 2021. The interviews were analyzed with qualitative content analysis using an inductive approach.
Results: The overall theme "To have or not to have a cavity in my chest, it could make a difference" was interpreted as the latent meaning of the participants' experiences. The theme included two subthemes with three categories each. The subtheme "The funnel chest puts a weight on my shoulders" describes the heavy burden the funnel chest places on the participants. The second subtheme, "This is me, but I want to change my future", describes that participants see the funnel chest as a part of themselves; nevertheless, they look forward to surgery and a life without it.
Conclusion: The results emphasize the heavy burden funnel chest causes and the great limitations it places on the individual. It also highlights the importance of surgery and the hope for a better future for individuals with funnel chest.
LN was financed by grants from the Swedish state under the agreement between the Swedish government and the county councils, the ALF agreement (OLL-967445) https://www.researchweb.org/is/oll. LN was also financed by grants from the Örebro County Research Committee (OLL-941242) https://www.researchweb.org/is/oll.