The main purpose of this paper was to illustrate the relationship between national sovereignty and the Translantic Trade and Investment Partnership (also known as TTIP), focusing on democratic values as well as economic values. Furthermore, this study also aimed to use this information to investigate whether TTIP is more related to democratic values or economic values.TTIP is a trade agreement being negotiated between the European Union (EU) and the United States (USA). The primary aim of TTIP is to increase trade and investment between the EU and the USA through the elimination of trade barriers, such as regulations, restrictions on investment etc. However, during the last couple of years, a number of public debates about TTIP’s impact on national sovereignty and democracy have been taking place across the globe. The main reasons are, for instance, lack of transparency around TTIP and Investor-State Dispute Settlements (ISDS).In order to achieve the aim of this paper, reports of the negotiations rounds have been used. Other than national sovereignty, democratic values and economic values, the paper focuses also on two theoretical concepts of international trade: the liberal perspective and the realist nationalist perspective.Results of this qualitative study show that TTIP and its economic activity, at the moment, is undermining national sovereignty and democratic values.