As the importance of the HR-manager’s role in companies increases, so does the requirements and the expectations. The HR-manager is expected to possess knowledge in many different areas. With the role comes expectations to deliver in many different organisations froms and different kind of bransches. The overall purpose is therefore to study, comprehend and gain a deeper understanding in the HR-managers complexity of the role, experience the context and also how the inner role conflict is being handled and dealt with. The question that the study is built upon is how the HR-Manager is experiencing and dealing with all the expectations that the role comes with,, and how the HR-manager is experiercing the inner role conflict comes to life/is being brought forward/is brought up in the organisation. The final question touches however the HR-manager is experiencing the context on the workplace. Earlier studies of this subject indicates a confusion on the actual role of a HR-manager and also that the inner role conflict is common. This qualitative study is built on five interviews with HR-managers from different branches. The collected empiri highlights the problems that comes with the role such as contradictory expectations, the context, and the inner role conflict. Out of this study it appeared that the HR-managers often experienced that several contradictionary expectations was on their role. How the HR-manager experienced and dealt with these depended on the perceived context of comprehension, manageability and meaningfulness that they experienced within the organisation. The informants experienced their context as positive which also affected the inner role conflicts expression and it’s approach.