Covariance matrix of the asset returns plays an important role in the portfolioselection. A number of papers is focused on the case when the covariance matrixis positive definite. In this paper, we consider portfolio selection with a singu-lar covariance matrix. We describe an iterative method based on a second orderdamped dynamical systems that solves the linear rank-deficient problem approxi-mately. Since the solution is not unique, we suggest one numerical solution that canbe chosen from the iterates that balances the size of portfolio and the risk. The nu-merical study confirms that the method has good convergence properties and givesa solution as good as or better than the constrained least norm Moore-Penrose solu-tion. Finally, we complement our result with an empirical study where we analyzea portfolio with actual returns listed in S&P 500 index.
Funding Agency:
Internal research Grants at Örebro University