In our poster we have chosed to present a theme we conduct in Preschool Education II, Part
3, Outdoor Education and Sustainable Development, 7.5 credits. Students are working with
the subject content sustainable development. Recycling materials are used in a part of the
course and the students create a kasper doll with this material. The kasper doll can then be
the tool they use to convey the knowledge of how we can take care of our earth. Building a
doll and using it in bodily action gives the student a tool to use in the educational activities.
The students are assigned the task of writing a playbook related to the work in preschool
with ecology, sustainable development and nature awareness. The project is conducted as a
group work with four to five students in each group. They build their own dolls and use them
in a story. The work on creating the dolls is done during class and with the help of
supervision. The result is presented and then carried out in the form of a performance in an
outdoor environment with each group.
In our poster you can see the students' work when the dolls develop and then how the final
result will be. Readers are invited to discurss the advantages and cons of integrating science
and aesthics and how we can create an education which prepering the students for an
integrated approach in future practice.
XVIII IOSTE Symposium: Future educational challenges from science and technology perspectives, Malmö, Sweden, August 13-17, 2018