Background: Models-based approaches to physical education have inrecent years developed as a way for teachers and students toconcentrate on a manageable number of learning objectives, and alignpedagogical approaches with learning subject matter and context. Thispaper draws on Hannah Arendt’s account of vita activa to map existingapproaches to physical education as oriented towards: (a) health andexercise, (b) sport and games, and (c) experience and exploration.Purpose: The aim of the paper is to outline a new pedagogical model forphysical education: a practising model. We argue that the form of humanactivity related to practising is not well represented in existingorientations and models. To sustain this argument, we highlight themost central aspects of practising, and at the same time describe centralfeatures of the model.Relevance and implications: The paper addresses pedagogicalimplications the practising model has for physical education teachers.Central learning outcomes and teaching strategies related to fouressential and ‘non-negotiable’ features of the practising model arediscussed. These strategies are: (1) acknowledging subjectivity andproviding meaningful challenges, (2) focusing on content and the aimsof practising, (3) specifying and negotiating standards of excellence and(4) providing adequate time to practising.Conclusion: The practising model has the potential to inform newperspectives on pedagogical approaches, and renew and improveworking methods and learning practices, in physical education.