The health and well-being of asylum seekers in high-income countries is a concern from both individual and community perspectives. This study aims to describe the perceived needs of adult asylum seekers in Sweden. A mixed methods study was conducted that combined a non-randomized descriptive cross-sectional assessment of perceived serious needs using the Humanitarian Emergency Settings Perceived Needs Scale (HESPER) Web with 85 adult asylum seekers and focus group discussions with 14 adult asylum seekers in Sweden. Descriptive and comparative statistics were used for the quantitative part, and thematic analysis for the qualitative part. The total number of perceived serious needs reported by respondents ranged from zero to 13 needs per person with a mean of four needs (SD 2.71). The most commonly perceived serious needs were related to income or livelihood, separation from loved ones, being displaced from home, distress, and concerns about accessing adequate health care services. Many of the perceived needs appeared to be related to experiences of being dependent, in limbo, and vulnerable. Addressing people's current perceived needs can contribute to resilience and well-being and therefore should be considered in health care systems that cater to immigrants.
Funding Agencies:
Elrha's Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC) programme - UK Government (DFID)
National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)