Costs of diabetes complications: hospital based care and production loss for 392,200 people with type 2 diabetes and matched controls in SwedenShow others and affiliations
2020 (English)In: Diabetologia, ISSN 0012-186X, E-ISSN 1432-0428, Vol. 63, no Suppl. 1, p. S121-S121Article in journal, Meeting abstract (Other academic) Published
Abstract [en]
Background and aims: The prevalence of diabetes has increased rapidly over the last decades worldwide. The risk of complications and medical consequences is well known and identified as key driver of costs. Less evidence on the impact of individual diabetic complications on the societal burden is available. The objective was to analyse costs of hospital-based health care and work absence related to individual macrovascular and microvascular complications of type 2 diabetes in Sweden in 2016.
Materials and methods: The study used data from a Swedish retrospective observational database cross-linking 20 years of individual-level data (1997-2016) from national population-based health, social insurance and socio-economic registers for 392,200 people with type 2 diabetes and matched controls (5:1). Diabetes status and presence of 19 types of complications were derived from years 1997-2016 while the costs of hospital-based care and of production loss due to diabetes complications were estimated for 2016. Regression analysis was used for comparison to controls, to attribute production loss to individual complications, and to account for joint presence of complications.
Results: Complications are prevalent and patterns complex in type 2 diabetes (Fig. 1). Use of hospital care for complications was higher compared to controls: 86,104 vs 24,608 outpatient visits per 100,000 persons and 9,894 vs 2,546 inpatient admissions per 100,000 persons (p<0.001) in 2016. 26% vs 12% had ≥1 hospital contact. The corresponding total costs of hospital-based care fo rcomplications were EUR 91,875 vs EUR 23,222 per 100 persons (p<0.001) and 75% were directly attributed to diabetes (EUR 689/person). Regression analyses distributed the costs of days absent from work across diabetes complications, basic type 2 diabetes effect and unattributed causes: diabetes complications amounted to EUR 2,165/person in 2016. Key drivers of costs of production loss were macrovascular complications angina pectoris, heart failure and stroke, and microvascular complications eye disease including retinopathy, kidney disease and neuropathy. Early mortality in working ages cost additional EUR 579/person and medications used in risk-factor treatment amounted to EUR 418/person.
Conclusion: The economic burden of complications in type 2 diabetes is substantial. Costs of productivity loss in this study were found to be greater than those of hospital-based care highlighting the need for considering treatment consequences in a societal perspective in research and policy.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Springer, 2020. Vol. 63, no Suppl. 1, p. S121-S121
National Category
Endocrinology and Diabetes
URN: urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-85837ISI: 000565776600240OAI:, id: diva2:1469649
56th Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-Diabetes (EASD 2020 Virtual), September 21-25, 2020
2020-09-222020-09-222020-09-22Bibliographically approved