Didafictions: Littérarité, didacticité et interdiscursivité dans douze romans de Robert Bober, Michel Houellebecq et Yasmina Khadra
2013 (French)Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
Abstract [en]
Using as example twelve novels by Robert Bober, Michel Houellebecq and Yasmina Khadra, the dissertation discusses the aesthetic and pragmatic implications of integrating didactically historical reference in fictional narrative and personal theme. Rather than reducing the works of Bober, Houellebecq and Khadra to tendency novels sculptured to pass on a predetermined message, the study discusses the aesthetic values created by didactical play. Not only does historical reference form the setting of the novels but the feelings and ideas expressed by the characters also point outwards, challenging journalistic discourse and historical fact. After underlining the obvious heritage from social realism, littérature engagée and Tendenzliteratur, the study points to the possibility of a reading mode that uncannily marries self forgetting imaginary and historical learning. Finding no comprehensive description within existing theories of genre, the thesis proposes the neologism “didafiction” for a subcategory to the novel that, by systematic interdiscursive play, call for engagement without subscribing to pre-existent doctrines. The lessons given by this literature, rather than operating through a traditionally pedagogic rhetoric, work through sophisticated artistic procedures that integrate encyclopaedia and ethics in a personal theme structure.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Stockholm: Department of Romance Studies and Classics, Stockholm University , 2013. , p. 226
Forskningsrapporter / Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för franska och italienska: cahiers de la recherche, ISSN 1654-1294 ; 52
Keywords [en]
Didafiction, Literature, Novel, Discourse, Theory, Didactics, Fiction, Aesthetics, Reception, History, Politics, Ideology, Journalism, Real, Reality, Terrorism, Holocaust, Racism, Post colonialism, Francophone, French, Algerian, Polish, Michel Houellebecq, Yasmina Khadra, Robert Bober
National Category
Specific Literatures
URN: urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-90202ISBN: 978-91-7447-748-1 (print)OAI: oai:DiVA.org:oru-90202DiVA, id: diva2:1535075
Public defence
2013-11-23, Hörsal 7, hus D, Universitetsvägen 10 D, Stockholm, 13:00 (French)
2021-03-082021-03-082021-03-08Bibliographically approved