AIM: The aim of the study was to evaluate the psychometric properties and factor structure of the Quality in Psychiatric Care-Addiction Outpatient (QPC-AOP) instrument and to describe the experiences with the quality of care among addiction outpatients.
DESIGN: The study has a cross-sectional design.
METHODS: A sample of 244 patients with addiction and psychiatric disorders completed the QPC-AOP.
RESULTS: Confirmatory factor analysis showed adequate to excellent goodness-of-fit indices supporting the 9-factor structure of the QPC-AOP. The results thus demonstrate that the concept of quality of care to a large extent is equivalent among outpatients from general psychiatry and from outpatient addiction services. Internal consistency for the full QPC-AOP was adequate, but poor for some of the separate factors. The patients' ratings of quality of care were generally high; the highest rating was for Encounter and the lowest for Discharge.