Political participation of young people is important for a sustainable democratic society now and in the future, for a society with knowledgeable members and a good public health. But why is it that young people still do not have full opportunities for political participation? Why are they still not fully counted as democratic actors when it comes to shaping their own and other people’s lives? Why are they, to a large extent, still denied civil rights and excluded from vital decision-making processes? For democratic revitalization in general, and survival of local communities in particular, youth political participation is a crucial pedagogical concern. The overall purpose of the chapter is to contribute knowledge that can be used to explore, understand, and improve young people’s political participation in local democracy. To do this, three major challenges concerning young people’s political participation in the public pedagogy practice of local democracy are discussed. A way forward to pragmatically deal with these challenges is offered in terms of a public pedagogical leadership approach. The approach is supported by a set of pedagogical principles for young people’s political participation and the pedagogical political participation model (the 3P-M).