Few studies have scrutinized the prospective relation between psychopathy and criminality in detained girls. Consequently, it is not well known if the psychopathy construct adds to the prediction of recidivism over other risk factors, such as conduct disorder and past criminality. To address this research gap, the current study examined data from 302 detained girls (M age = 16.2). Psychopathy total and component (i.e., narcissism, callous-unemotional, and impulsivity) scores were derived from the self-report version of the Antisocial Process Screening Device (APSD). Latent profile analysis was used to identify girls with high scores on the three components (tentatively labeled ‘putative psychopathic personality’). Five youth recidivism outcomes were measured (i.e., violent, serious non-violent, drug, total, and versatile), based on arrest charges that occurred before girls were 18 years of age. With a few exceptions, neither the ASPD total nor the APSD component scores contributed to the prediction of the recidivism outcomes. Girls with a putative psychopathic personality also were not at increased risk for recidivism. Findings overall suggest that the psychopathy construct should not be used for risk assessment purposes among detained girls, at least not when assessed via the self-report version of the APSD.
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