Carton board packages with different creases have been manufactured and loaded with point loads to see if there is a difference in point load behavior depending on crease. A carton board was creased in four different ways. The differences of the creases were judged according to appearance and residual moment. Three of the four creases showed divergent appearances. The re-sidual moment was as expected lowest for the hardest creased sample and vice versa. The packages with the different creases were loaded with a point load. The registered force - displacement curves were analyzed according to stiffness and collapse load. No statistically significant difference could be seen in the collapse load of the package or in the stiffness measured, indicating that with a standard point load measurement it was hard to distinguish a difference in packaging behavior due to creasing. In future work it might be interesting to further study the average stiffness, since a trend of higher average stiffness for lower matrix channel depth exists in the measurements, however not statistically ensured. One possibility to discern possibly existing differences in the resistance of packaging to point load due to crease differences could be to study the interaction in more detail.