We investigate the rotational properties of a two-component, two-dimensional self-bound quantum droplet, which is confined in a harmonic potential and compare them with the well-known problem of a single-component atomic gas with contact interactions. For a fixed value of the trap frequency, choosing some representative values of the atom number, we determine the lowest-energy state, as the angular momentum increases. For a sufficiently small number of atoms, the angular momentum is carried via center-of-mass excitation. For larger values, when the angular momentum is sufficiently small, we observe vortex excitation instead. Depending on the actual atom number, one or more vortices enter the droplet. Beyond some critical value of the angular momentum, however, the droplet does not accommodate more vortices and the additional angular momentum is carried via center-of-mass excitation in a "mixed" state. Finally, the excitation spectrum is also briefly discussed.