Hip dysplasia in young adults is underdiagnosed and can cause pain and discomfort. Progression to osteoarthritis (OA) is common, necessitating total hip arthroplasty at an early age. When discovered early, symptomatic patients can be offered physiotherapy and/or hip-preserving surgery to alleviate pain and decrease the risk of early OA. A pilot project to screen radiograms for hip dysplasia was started across the Swedish region of orebro Lan in January 2019, comparing the incidence of dysplasia before and after initiation of the screening program. All elective conventional radiograms of the hip (age 12-44 years), requested by primary care physicians, were analyzed by consultant radiologists according to a pre-established algorithm to identify hip abnormalities. If the hip radiograms showed dysplastic changes, or other pathological signs, the radiologist advised referral to a specialized Youth Hip Clinic for further work-up and treatment. A total of 1056 radiograms were requested by clinicians during the study periods (601 and 455 during 2018 and 2020, respectively). A total of 457 trauma-related cases were excluded, resulting in 599 available for analysis (348 and 251 during 2018 and 2020, respectively). During 2018, 17 patients (4.9%) received the radiologic diagnosis of dysplasia, compared with 44 patients (17.5%) during 2020 (P < 0. 001). A three-fold increase of patients diagnosed with hip dysplasia was detected as a result of the implementation of the screening program. The advantage of screening is early referral to an orthopedic department for evaluation and consideration for physiotherapy and/or surgical intervention.