This paper investigates how the effects of network connections are considered when strategists conduct a planned strategy process. The single case study underpinning the paper is based on qualitative data collected between June and December 2007, which relates to a seven-month strategising process conducted within a project group. The strategising activity was to consider how to develop the company's position by selecting one of several strategic options. The IMP Actors-Resources-Activities (ARA) model is used as a too] to analyse how the effects of network connections are considered within the process. The result is three overlapping network strategising trajectories' (actor, resource and activity). The dynamics of the trajectories is discussed using a matrix which illustrates how network effects are considered in terms of direct/indirect and isolated/relating. In sum, the paper contributes to the ongoing debates within IMP about strategy by bringing a dynamic process dimension to the study of network strategising. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.