Well-being through novel communication technology?
2011 (English)Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Refereed)
Abstract [en]
Introduction: The idea behind this novel communication technology tool origin from older peoples’ habit of watching TV and using a remote control. The product—‘ippi’—is based on technological convergence of mobile phone services such as SMS, MMS or e-mail and the TV terminal. Old people are often affected of technology, but are rarely involved in the development or design of those products. Here, the aim is to examine old people’s participation in the design process and whether their TV experience affects ‘ippi’ functionality and utility.
Objectives: Does the experience of watching television affect the usage? How do different contexts affect usage? What influences the seniors’ role as participants in the design process? Do they consider their well-being improved via ‘ippi’?
Methods: Continuous participation in workshops, thorough iterations in real life. ‘Ippi’ is tested in a nursing home where elderly get information about activities and choose their meals via the TV and in a senior centre where old people come together and continue to keep in touch from home.
Preliminary results: Using participatory design, users are able to influence the solution so that ippi better suits their needs; meanwhile their ability to articulate demands is improved.
Conclusions: Novel technology needs experienced users, regardless of age, to develop ‘correct’ functionality. A participatory design approach is suitable also for older users and results are reached effectively.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Ubiquity Press, 2011. Vol. 11
International journal of integrated care, ISSN 1568-4156 ; Vol 11, 1st International Congress on Telehealth and Telecare 2011
Keywords [en]
old people, elderly, seniors, TV, well-being
National Category
Information Systems, Social aspects
Research subject
URN: urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-41940DOI: 10.5334/ijic.717ISI: 000312005400029OAI: oai:DiVA.org:oru-41940DiVA, id: diva2:781300
International Congress on Telehealth and Telecare, London, UK, March 1-3, 2011
2015-01-162015-01-162018-03-05Bibliographically approved