Utformning av pannhus kan sammanfattas enligt nedan:
- Luftflöde som tillförs pannhuset skall klara av att tillföra erforderlig förbränningsluft samt att kyla pannhuset.
- Pannhusetventilationen skall utföras som mekanisk ventilation och luften bör tillföras på flera olika nivåer.
Arbetsmiljögsstiftningen anger cirka 45 oC som högsta lokaltemperatur. Undertrycket i pannhusets nedre del bör inte vara med än 40 Pa för att personalen på ett enkelt sätt skall kunna öppna dörrar vid utrymning.
One of the traditional approaches to reduce costs of solar energy is to use inexpensive reflectors to focus the light onto highly efficient solar cells. Several research projects have resulted in designs, where the excess heat is used as solar thermal energy.
Unlike a solar thermal system, which has a selective surface to reduce the radiant heat loss, a CPV/T (Concentrating PhotoVoltaic/Thermal) system uses a receiver covered with solar cells with high thermal emittance.
This project analyzes whether the heat loss from the receiver can be reduced by covering parts of the receiver surface, not already covered with solar cells, with an optically selective coating. Comparing different methods of applying such a coating and the long-term stability of low cost alternatives are also part of the objectives of this project.
To calculate the heat loss reductions of the optically selective surface coating a mathematical model was developed, which takes the thermal emittances and the solar absorptances of the different surfaces into account. Furthermore, a full-size experiment was constructed to verify the theoretical predictions.
The coating results in a heat loss reduction of approximately 20 % in such a CPV/T system and one of the companies involved in the study is already changing their design to make use of the results.
Given the high efficiency in phosphorus removal at municipal wastewater treatment plants (MMWWTP), sewage sludge constitutes a promising resource for phosphorus (P) recovery. Sewage sludge is, however, a complex matrix and its direct use as fertiliser is limited by its content of metals/metalloids and organic pollutants. In order to increase its usability as a potential resource of P, there is a need for increased knowledge on phosphorus speciation in these matrices. The sludge composition is highly influenced by local conditions (i.e. wastewater composition and treatment method), and it is therefore important to study sludge from several MMWWTPs. In this study, three different protocols for sequential extraction were utilised to investigate the chemical speciation of phosphorus in sludge from three different MMWWTP sludges in Sweden, as well as in corresponding ashes following incineration. The results showed that the total amounts of phosphorus ranged from 26 to 32 mg g-1 sludge (dry weight), of which 79-94% was inorganically bound (IP). In the sludge, 21-30% of the IP was associated with calcium (Ca-P), which is the preferred species for fertiliser production. Following incineration, this fraction increased to 54-56%, mainly due to transformation of iron-associated phosphorus (Fe-P), while aluminium-associated species of phosphorus (Al-P) remained unaltered. The results from this study confirm that incineration is a suitable treatment for sewage sludge in terms of potential phosphorus recovery.
For newly produced houses and energy renovations, an energy calculation needs to be conducted. This is done to verify whether the energy consumption criteria of the house -to reach the energy targets by 2020 and 2050- are in-line with the norms. The main purpose of this study is to confirm whether easy to use energy calculation software or hand calculations used by small companies or individuals give logical results compared to advanced energy simulation program used by researchers or bigger companies. There are different methods for calculating energy consumption. In this paper, two energy calculation programs are used and the relation of energy consumption with solar radiation is compared. A hand calculation is also done to validate whether the hand calculations are still reasonable. The two computer programs which have been used are TMF Energi (the easy energy calculation variant used by small companies or individuals) and IDA ICE - Indoor Climate and Energy (the advanced energy simulation program used by researchers or larger companies). The calculations are done for a standard house from the Swedish house supplier Fiskarhedenvillan. The method is based on having the same conditions and inputs in the different calculation forms so that the results can be compared and verified. The house has been faced differently to see how the orientation affects energy consumption in different methods. The results for the simulations are close to each other and the hand calculation differs from the computer programs by only 5%. Even if solar factors differ due to the orientation of the house, energy calculation results from different computer programs and even hand calculation methods are in line with each other.