The small foundry communities in the Swedish countryside played an important role in the country's industrialization. These communities are also considered to be a model for the socalled 'people's home' (folkhemmet) and Swedish welfare state system, which began to take shape under Social Democratic leadership in the 1930s. Central to the development of the foundry communities at the beginning of the twentieth century was the creation of a 'spirit', built on a new and more modern form of paternalism that was aimed at generating a consensus between the management of the foundry company and the working classes. Involvement in team sports, particularly football and bandy, was identified by the companies as an important element in the creation of such a consensus. This article examines the ways in which football was used in Sandviken - probably the most famous of all foundry communities - to create a 'spirit of Sandviken'. This reveals that football was part of a wider strategy used by the foundry company in Sandviken to improve the relationship between employer and employees.
Artikeln tar upp hur den kvinnliga elitfotbollen kommersialiserades och hur inte bara manlig elitfotboll utan också kvinnlig elitfotboll håller på att utveckla fotbollsföretag.
During the second parts of the nineteenth century and the first part of the twentieth century the middle class patriarch played an important role in the formation and transformation of the bourgeoisie in Sweden - especially in the upper middle class dominated by industrialists, wholesalers and owners of "bruk". According to the comic press in the early twentieth century appearance was characteristic. Obviously he was a man. In the caricatures he often carried a high cylinder, wore a sturdy moustache á la Bismarck, was evidently thick and because of that a back leaned posture, and had a authoritative appearance. Often he smoked a fat cigar. Here we will discuss his world view. First of all we discuss him on the basis of the changes in the bourgeois public and its patriarchal relations. Then we consider important parts of the world view and lastly we discuss the middle class patriarch as an industrialist.
En jämförande studie mellan Japan och Sverige om hur företagspatriarkalismen har förändrats från sent 1800-tal till sent 1900-tal, där genus, välfärdsstat och arbetarnas kollektiva förhandling om de patriarkaliska villkoren fungerar som analytiska redskap.
I artikeln behandlas hur fotbollen kommersialiseras, vilket leder till uppkomsten av fotbollsföretag med aktiebolag och koncernägande. Detta bidrar i sin tur till att föreningarnas demokratiska fundament urholkas.
Med särskild utgångspunkt iu filmen Jägarna (Sundvall 1996) behandlar artikeln utifrån klass, genus och etnicitet hur relationen mellan centrum och periferi gestaltar sig; hur Norrland ses som problem med tillskriven högerpopulism. Jägarna jämförs sedan med några andra samtida filmer som på olika sätt behandlar periferin.
In China, the word, xin 心 (often translated as ‘heart’) is frequently used and its concept is central to Chinese culture. However, its meaning is not exactly the same as ‘heart’ in English. Using qigong as the context, this article aims to explore the meaning of xin as a cultural keyword in order to gain an in-depth understanding of Chinese culture and knowledge within that cultural system. Qigong is a Chinese health maintenance system and healing tradition which integrates physical activity with training of the mind and self-cultivation. One of qigong’s basic components is xin adjustment. It is impossible to convey the full meaning of this concept without understanding the meaning of xin. In Chinese culture, xin is the root of physical and mental life. It is the seat of all emotions, and embodies the inherent goodness of human nature and wisdom. Xin helps to guide the individual’s way of life and attitude, and can lead one to deep contentment.