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  • 1.
    Jansson, Denny
    et al.
    Örebro University, School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences.
    Melander, IdaÖrebro University, School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences.Westberg, GustavÖrebro University, School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences.Yassin Falk, DaroonÖrebro University, School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences.
    Svenskans beskrivning 38: Förhandlingar vid trettioåttonde sammankomsten. Örebro 4–6 maj 2022, Del I2024Conference proceedings (editor) (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Den trettioåttonde sammankomsten ägde rum den 4 till 6 maj 2022 och arrangerades av Svenska språket vid Örebro universitet. Temat för konferensen, som samlade 178 deltagare, var denna gång Språk, plats och rum. Ambitionen var att på olika sätt belysa, problematisera och diskutera svenska språket i relation till rumslighet och geografiska platser, men också platsbundet språk och språklig mediering av plats och rum.

    Sektionsföredragens ämnesmässiga spännvidd var som vanligt för konferensserien stor och föredragen berörde de flesta områden inom ämnet svenska språket. Under konferensen presenterades tre plenarföreläsningar som belyste konferensens tema ur olika perspektiv. I 111 separata sektionsföredrag beskrevs svenska språket ur olika perspektiv, och många av dessa belyste konferensens tema.

    Ett ovanligt stort antal manus skickades in till konferensvolymen. Efter såväl intern som extern granskning publiceras i denna konferens-volym 58 av de föredrag som hölls vid sammankomsten. För att göra det stora antalet manus överblickbart har de indelats utifrån olika per-spektiv på svenska språket, som också återspeglas i de tre plenarföreläsarnas bidrag. 

    Del I innehåller bidrag som beskriver svenska språket ur grammatiska och systemorienterade perspektiv. Denna volym inleds med Jan Ola Östmans plenarföredrag Om plats och ställe som grammatiska verktyg, och innehåller därtill 21 bidrag som på olika sätt beskriver svenska språket ur systemperspektiv.

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    Svenskans beskrivning 38. Del 1
  • 2.
    Jansson, Denny
    et al.
    Örebro University, School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences.
    Melander, IdaÖrebro University, School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences.Westberg, GustavÖrebro University, School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences.Yassin Falk, DaroonÖrebro University, School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences.
    Svenskans beskrivning 38: Förhandlingar vid trettioåttonde sammankomsten. Örebro 4–6 maj 2022, Del II2024Conference proceedings (editor) (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Den trettioåttonde sammankomsten ägde rum den 4 till 6 maj 2022 och arrangerades av Svenska språket vid Örebro universitet. Temat för konferensen, som samlade 178 deltagare, var denna gång Språk, plats och rum. Ambitionen var att på olika sätt belysa, problematisera och diskutera svenska språket i relation till rumslighet och geografiska platser, men också platsbundet språk och språklig mediering av plats och rum.

    Sektionsföredragens ämnesmässiga spännvidd var som vanligt för konferensserien stor och föredragen berörde de flesta områden inom ämnet svenska språket. Under konferensen presenterades tre plenarföreläsningar som belyste konferensens tema ur olika perspektiv. I 111 separata sektionsföredrag beskrevs svenska språket ur olika perspektiv, och många av dessa belyste konferensens tema.

    Ett ovanligt stort antal manus skickades in till konferensvolymen. Efter såväl intern som extern granskning publiceras i denna konferens-volym 58 av de föredrag som hölls vid sammankomsten. För att göra det stora antalet manus överblickbart har de indelats utifrån olika per-spektiv på svenska språket, som också återspeglas i de tre plenarföreläsarnas bidrag.

    Del II innehåller bidrag som beskriver svenska språket utifrån hur det används i olika sociala sammanhang. Denna volym inleds med Ellen Bijvoets, Karin Senters och Margareta Svahns plenarföredrag Från storstad till landsort – förortsindexerat tal i dagens Sverige, och innehåller därtill 18 bidrag som på olika sätt beskriver hur svenska språket används och vilken roll det spelar i en rad olika sociala sammanhang.

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    Svenskans beskrivning 38. Del 2
  • 3.
    Jansson, Denny
    et al.
    Örebro University, School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences.
    Melander, IdaÖrebro University, School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences.Westberg, GustavÖrebro University, School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences.Yassin Falk, DaroonÖrebro University, School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences.
    Svenskans beskrivning 38: Förhandlingar vid trettioåttonde sammankomsten, Örebro 4–6 maj 2022, Del III2024Conference proceedings (editor) (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Den trettioåttonde sammankomsten ägde rum den 4 till 6 maj 2022 och arrangerades av Svenska språket vid Örebro universitet. Temat för konferensen, som samlade 178 deltagare, var denna gång Språk, plats och rum. Ambitionen var att på olika sätt belysa, problematisera och diskutera svenska språket i relation till rumslighet och geografiska platser, men också platsbundet språk och språklig mediering av plats och rum.

    Sektionsföredragens ämnesmässiga spännvidd var som vanligt för konferensserien stor och föredragen berörde de flesta områden inom ämnet svenska språket. Under konferensen presenterades tre plenarföreläsningar som belyste konferensens tema ur olika perspektiv. I 111 separata sektionsföredrag beskrevs svenska språket ur olika perspektiv, och många av dessa belyste konferensens tema.

    Ett ovanligt stort antal manus skickades in till konferensvolymen. Efter såväl intern som extern granskning publiceras i denna konferens-volym 58 av de föredrag som hölls vid sammankomsten. För att göra det stora antalet manus överblickbart har de indelats utifrån olika perspektiv på svenska språket, som också återspeglas i de tre plenarföreläsarnas bidrag.

    Del III innehåller bidrag som beskriver svenska språket ur text- och diskursanalytiska perspektiv. Denna volym inleds med Johan Järleheds plenarföredrag ”Bo högt, högre, högst”: Vertikalitet i Göteborgs stadsutvecklingsdiskurs, och innehåller därtill 16 bidrag som på olika sätt beskriver hur svenska språket i vid bemärkelse tas i bruk i form av texter, genrer och diskurser.

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    Svenskans beskrivning 38. Del 3
  • 4.
    Melander, Ida
    Örebro University, School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences.
    Att göra sin röst hörd: Sjukdomsförhandlande diskurser, genrer och berättelser om endometrios2022Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The main purpose of this thesis is to describe how situated health-related meaning-making about endometriosis is accomplished in three different health-related contexts. Health communication is ever relevant; throughout history, people have become ill, thought about their health and, in many cases, sought care. It is also a shifting practice, in the sense that it changes over time. This thesis explores health communication and negotiations of health and illness in three patient-oriented, alternative and new settings: knowledge negotiations in online discussion forums, seeking care through so-called ‘self-referrals’, and multimodal illness narratives.

    Specifically, meaning-making about endometriosis is explored. Endometriosis is a chronic condition which, despite its high prevalence, is still relatively unknown, both in society at large and in actual healthcare encounters. This makes the disease a good example to highlight texts and interaction as health communication.

    The thesis combines a discourse analytical and social semiotic framework, which entails a focus on knowledge, power and available resources for communicating about a disease. In the first study, discussion forum threads dealing with endometriosis are analyzed, showing how illness is negotiated by means of personal and particular experiences. In the second study, self-referrals written for specialist care are explored as an emergent genre, specifically highlighting the resources used to argue for care, as well as patients’ experiences of seeking care in this way. Finally, the third study analyzes illness narratives on Instagram, showing how illness is narrated on a specific platform, within a specific community.

    Collectively, the three studies shine a light on different ways of participating in health-related settings, and how this is tied to expertise, personal experience, and patient agency. The thesis also contributes to our understanding of how illness communities are formed: the typical patient emerging is active and knowledgeable, fights for care and endures being questioned by a poor quality healthcare service.

    List of papers
    1. Illness Negotiations and the Particular: Exploring Online Forum Interactions About Endometriosis
    Open this publication in new window or tab >>Illness Negotiations and the Particular: Exploring Online Forum Interactions About Endometriosis
    2021 (English)In: Analyzing Digital Discourses: Between Convergence and Controversy / [ed] Marjut Johansson; Sanna-Kaisa Tanskanen; Jan Chovanec, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan , 2021, p. 307-331Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Melander uses the increasingly debated disease endometriosis as an example to explore ongoing processes of negotiating a disease in unfolding forum interactions. Methodologically, the chapter explores a possible combination of discourse analytical tools with concepts from Actor-Network Theory, which more distinctly emphasize the unfolding practices, and ties the ongoing societal process to concrete linguistic practice. As the analysis demonstrates, the interlocutors make use of various shifts between general and particular aspects of the disease, most often represented by personal experiences. Such personal narratives can strengthen a claim put forward, as well as nuance and broaden the disease category. Melander also demonstrates the more or less established prerequisites that underline the interactions, thus pointing to the possible ways of discussing illness experiences in the forum.

    Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
    Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021
    Negotiation, Expertise, Illness, Discussion forum, Endometriosis
    National Category
    General Language Studies and Linguistics
    urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-97918 (URN)10.1007/978-3-030-84602-2_12 (DOI)9783030846015 (ISBN)9783030846046 (ISBN)9783030846022 (ISBN)
    Available from: 2022-03-09 Created: 2022-03-09 Last updated: 2022-05-11Bibliographically approved
    2. Att söka vård med text: Egenremissen som genre
    Open this publication in new window or tab >>Att söka vård med text: Egenremissen som genre
    2021 (Swedish)In: Språk och stil, ISSN 1101-1165, E-ISSN 2002-4010, Vol. 31, no 2, p. 160-191Article in journal (Refereed) Published
    Abstract [en]

    This article explores an emerging genre in Sweden: self-referral letters. Although written by the patients themselves, self-referrals have the same objective as a doctor’s referral: to refer someone to specialist care. In relation to previous research, these texts shed light on a new type of writing that some patients engage in, but that requires literacy and rhetorical skills that are presumably not available to everyone. The data consist of self-referrals written by women seeking care for endometriosis, and interviews with some of these women. Using genre as a guiding concept, the analysis explores both the linguistic and semiotic resources that are drawn on in the texts, and the textual potentials and limitations that patients identify when writing. Results show that the self-referrals attend to expectations about medical expertise. For instance, writers use formal and familiar voices to legitimize the need for care, and incorporate elements of medical discourse when presenting symptoms. Parallels can also be drawn between the doctor-patient relationship represented in the texts and a traditional doctor’s visit: doctors are often positioned as knowledgeable interpreters of the information, whereas patients describe themselves as moral and rational. The article concludes that even though the self-referrals enable patients to seek care in an alternative way, they are constrained by several genre expectations and a traditional division of labor between doctors and patients.

    Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
    Adolf Noreen-sällskapet för svensk språk- och stilforskning, 2021
    health literacy, genre, endometriosis, patient agency, referral letter
    National Category
    Specific Languages
    urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-98967 (URN)10.33063/diva-472205 (DOI)
    Available from: 2022-05-11 Created: 2022-05-11 Last updated: 2022-05-11Bibliographically approved
    3. Multimodal Illness Narratives: Sharing the Experience of Endometriosis
    Open this publication in new window or tab >>Multimodal Illness Narratives: Sharing the Experience of Endometriosis
    2019 (English)In: Diegesis, E-ISSN 2195-2116, Vol. 8, no 2, p. 68-90Article in journal (Refereed) Published
    Abstract [en]

    This article explores how illness is narrated on a shared activist Instagram account, where five women share their experiences of living with the chronic disease endometriosis. The day-to-day, multimodal, and collaborative nature of the account is an example of online contemporary illness narratives. Informed by dscourse analysis, social semiotics, and research on small stories, this article analyzes the semiotic resources used for narrating, the social space of the account, and the particular discourses and identities that the narratives index. Following the narra-tive dimensions of Ochs and Capps, the analysis demonstrates a dynamic interplay between the different semiotic resources used to narrate about illness. The combination of images on Instagram, for instance, affords a sequential progres-sion that moves the teller through space and place. In other cases, the images are used to contradict or strengthen the story that is told in writing. The account’s construction as a shared space for raising awareness about endometriosis experi-ences also influences the stories that are told; tellers orient themselves both to previous and current stories on the account, and attend to the particular endometriosis experiences that are tellable on the account. In this way, the tellers demonstrate awareness of the typical endometriosis story, and position them-selves as moral and knowledgeable endometriosis patients.

    Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
    Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 2019
    Narrative, Illness narrative, Instagram, Endometriosis, Identity
    National Category
    Specific Languages
    Research subject
    Swedish Language
    urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-78670 (URN)
    Available from: 2019-12-16 Created: 2019-12-16 Last updated: 2022-08-26Bibliographically approved
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    Att göra sin röst hörd: Sjukdomsförhandlande diskurser, genrer och berättelser om endometrios
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  • 5.
    Melander, Ida
    Örebro University, School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences.
    Att söka vård med text: Egenremissen som genre2021In: Språk och stil, ISSN 1101-1165, E-ISSN 2002-4010, Vol. 31, no 2, p. 160-191Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article explores an emerging genre in Sweden: self-referral letters. Although written by the patients themselves, self-referrals have the same objective as a doctor’s referral: to refer someone to specialist care. In relation to previous research, these texts shed light on a new type of writing that some patients engage in, but that requires literacy and rhetorical skills that are presumably not available to everyone. The data consist of self-referrals written by women seeking care for endometriosis, and interviews with some of these women. Using genre as a guiding concept, the analysis explores both the linguistic and semiotic resources that are drawn on in the texts, and the textual potentials and limitations that patients identify when writing. Results show that the self-referrals attend to expectations about medical expertise. For instance, writers use formal and familiar voices to legitimize the need for care, and incorporate elements of medical discourse when presenting symptoms. Parallels can also be drawn between the doctor-patient relationship represented in the texts and a traditional doctor’s visit: doctors are often positioned as knowledgeable interpreters of the information, whereas patients describe themselves as moral and rational. The article concludes that even though the self-referrals enable patients to seek care in an alternative way, they are constrained by several genre expectations and a traditional division of labor between doctors and patients.

  • 6.
    Melander, Ida
    Örebro University, School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences.
    Illness Negotiations and the Particular: Exploring Online Forum Interactions About Endometriosis2021In: Analyzing Digital Discourses: Between Convergence and Controversy / [ed] Marjut Johansson; Sanna-Kaisa Tanskanen; Jan Chovanec, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan , 2021, p. 307-331Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Melander uses the increasingly debated disease endometriosis as an example to explore ongoing processes of negotiating a disease in unfolding forum interactions. Methodologically, the chapter explores a possible combination of discourse analytical tools with concepts from Actor-Network Theory, which more distinctly emphasize the unfolding practices, and ties the ongoing societal process to concrete linguistic practice. As the analysis demonstrates, the interlocutors make use of various shifts between general and particular aspects of the disease, most often represented by personal experiences. Such personal narratives can strengthen a claim put forward, as well as nuance and broaden the disease category. Melander also demonstrates the more or less established prerequisites that underline the interactions, thus pointing to the possible ways of discussing illness experiences in the forum.

  • 7.
    Melander, Ida
    Örebro University, School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences.
    Multimodal Illness Narratives: Sharing the Experience of Endometriosis2019In: Diegesis, E-ISSN 2195-2116, Vol. 8, no 2, p. 68-90Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article explores how illness is narrated on a shared activist Instagram account, where five women share their experiences of living with the chronic disease endometriosis. The day-to-day, multimodal, and collaborative nature of the account is an example of online contemporary illness narratives. Informed by dscourse analysis, social semiotics, and research on small stories, this article analyzes the semiotic resources used for narrating, the social space of the account, and the particular discourses and identities that the narratives index. Following the narra-tive dimensions of Ochs and Capps, the analysis demonstrates a dynamic interplay between the different semiotic resources used to narrate about illness. The combination of images on Instagram, for instance, affords a sequential progres-sion that moves the teller through space and place. In other cases, the images are used to contradict or strengthen the story that is told in writing. The account’s construction as a shared space for raising awareness about endometriosis experi-ences also influences the stories that are told; tellers orient themselves both to previous and current stories on the account, and attend to the particular endometriosis experiences that are tellable on the account. In this way, the tellers demonstrate awareness of the typical endometriosis story, and position them-selves as moral and knowledgeable endometriosis patients.

  • 8.
    Melander, Ida
    et al.
    Örebro University, School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences.
    Björkvall, Anders
    Örebro University, School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences.
    När den organiserade sjukvården uppfattas som otillräcklig: Affekt och känsla i texter om endometrios2022In: RASK: Internationalt tidsskrift for sprog og kommunikation, ISSN 0909-8976, no 55, p. 33-52Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Endometriosis is a disease that affects women. This article focuses on endometriosis communication outside of, but in relation to, institutionally organized health care. The discursive use of affects and emotions in endometriosis communication in internet forums, social media and the press is analyzed: Which emotions are represented? Which affective communities are readers invited into, and how is this performed? Drawing on appraisal analysis and affective discourse analysis, the article shows how not only negative affects, but also those of happiness and gratitude are represented, and how narratives and specific visual formats function as affective affordances that invite readers to become part of ‘endo-communities’.

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    När den organiserade sjukvården uppfattas som otillräcklig: Affekt och känsla i texter om endometrios
  • 9.
    Milles, Karin
    et al.
    Department of Culture and Learning, Södertörn University, Huddinge, Sweden.
    Holmdahl, Jessica
    Department of Culture and Learning, Södertörn University, Huddinge, Sweden.
    Melander, Ida
    Örebro University, School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences.
    Fugl-Meyer, Kerstin
    Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
    'Something that stretches during sex': replacing the word hymen with vaginal corona to challenge patriarchal views on virginity2018In: Gender and Language, ISSN 1747-6321, E-ISSN 1747-633X, Vol. 12, no 3, p. 294-317Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Although there is no scientific proof of a breakable membrane in the vagina, virginity controls are causing great suffering to women worldwide, and hymen (re) constructions are carried out in many countries. The hymen is called modomshinna 'virginity membrane' in Swedish, which can reinforce the idea of a breakable membrane. In their work against female sexual oppression the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education launched a new term, vaginal corona. The aim of our study is to evaluate this initiative. By conducting a survey directed at youths and health professionals at youth clinics in Stockholm, we were able to show that knowledge of the new word had spread and that changes in the oppressive cultural beliefs connected to virginity and female sexuality in part can be connected to the word. The study thus supports the claim that initiatives aimed at changing vocabulary can be effective in changing cultural concepts. Feminist language activism initiatives are thus usable as part of feminist political work to promote women's sexual rights and gender equality.

  • 10.
    Milles, Karin
    et al.
    Södertörns högskola, Huddinge, Sweden.
    Holmdahl, Jessica
    Södertörns högskola, Huddinge, Sweden.
    Melander, Ida
    Stockholms universitet, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Hjortek, Lisa
    Familjeenheten, Huddinge kommun, Huddinge, Sweden.
    Fugl-Meyer, Kerstin
    Karolinska institutet, Solna, Sweden.
    ”Den som töjs under sex": Ordet slidkrans som sexualpolitiskt verktyg2017In: HumaNetten, E-ISSN 1403-2279, no 38, p. 128-140Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    För några år sedan lanserade RFSU ordet slidkrans som ersättning för mödomshinna i syfte att motverka myter om oskuld och mödom som orsakar stort lidande för unga kvinnor. Tidigare forskning har visat att kvinnor och flickor i Sverige ber om och i vissa fall får så kallad hymenrekonstruktion (Essén m.fl. 2010) och att ordet mödomshinna ger upphov till missförstånd som begränsar kvinnors sexuella handlingsutrymme (Cristianson & Eriksson 2011). Forskning visar också att ordet slidkrans kan utmana en traditionell syn på oskulds-begreppet (Cooper & Nylander 2010, Malmgren 2011), men också att sexualpolitiska försök att ifrågasätta mytbildningen kring oskuld och mödomshinnan inte alltid är oproblematiska och inte nödvändigtvis leder till den kvinnofrigörelse som man hoppas (Cinthio 2015). Vi behöver alltså mer kunskap om hur ordet slidkrans fungerar och vad ordet innebär för dem som använder det. Någon utvärdering av hur RFSU:s initiativ har slagit ut har heller ännu inte gjorts. Därför undersöker vi hur ordet slidkrans fungerar i vårdpraktiken.

    Studien består dels av en enkätstudie, dels av en fokusgruppsstudie. I ett första steg har vi kontaktat de ungdomsmottagningar som ligger i eller närmast Stockholms city för att samla in enkäter både från vårdpersonal och besökande ungdomar. I artikeln redogör vi för några preliminära resultat från denna pilotstudie, bland annat hur stor andel av vårdgivarna som använder ordet slidkrans, hur många ungdomar som känner till det och vilken betydelse de lägger in i ordet.

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